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 * Network API: WP_Network class
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Multisite
 * @since 4.4.0

 * Core class used for interacting with a multisite network.
 * This class is used during load to populate the `$current_site` global and
 * setup the current network.
 * This class is most useful in WordPress multi-network installations where the
 * ability to interact with any network of sites is required.
 * @since 4.4.0
 * @property int $id
 * @property int $site_id
class WP_Network {

	 * Network ID.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @since 4.6.0 Converted from public to private to explicitly enable more intuitive
	 *              access via magic methods. As part of the access change, the type was
	 *              also changed from `string` to `int`.
	 * @var int
	private $id;

	 * Domain of the network.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @var string
	public $domain = '';

	 * Path of the network.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @var string
	public $path = '';

	 * The ID of the network's main site.
	 * Named "blog" vs. "site" for legacy reasons. A main site is mapped to
	 * the network when the network is created.
	 * A numeric string, for compatibility reasons.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @var string
	private $blog_id = '0';

	 * Domain used to set cookies for this network.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @var string
	public $cookie_domain = '';

	 * Name of this network.
	 * Named "site" vs. "network" for legacy reasons.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @var string
	public $site_name = '';

	 * Retrieve a network from the database by its ID.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
	 * @param int $network_id The ID of the network to retrieve.
	 * @return WP_Network|bool The network's object if found. False if not.
	public static function get_instance( $network_id ) {
		global $wpdb;

		$network_id = (int) $network_id;
		if ( ! $network_id ) {
			return false;

		$_network = wp_cache_get( $network_id, 'networks' );

		if ( false === $_network ) {
			$_network = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->site} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $network_id ) );

			if ( empty( $_network ) || is_wp_error( $_network ) ) {
				$_network = -1;

			wp_cache_add( $network_id, $_network, 'networks' );

		if ( is_numeric( $_network ) ) {
			return false;

		return new WP_Network( $_network );

	 * Create a new WP_Network object.
	 * Will populate object properties from the object provided and assign other
	 * default properties based on that information.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @param WP_Network|object $network A network object.
	public function __construct( $network ) {
		foreach ( get_object_vars( $network ) as $key => $value ) {
			$this->$key = $value;


	 * Getter.
	 * Allows current multisite naming conventions when getting properties.
	 * @since 4.6.0
	 * @param string $key Property to get.
	 * @return mixed Value of the property. Null if not available.
	public function __get( $key ) {
		switch ( $key ) {
			case 'id':
				return (int) $this->id;
			case 'blog_id':
				return (string) $this->get_main_site_id();
			case 'site_id':
				return $this->get_main_site_id();

		return null;

	 * Isset-er.
	 * Allows current multisite naming conventions when checking for properties.
	 * @since 4.6.0
	 * @param string $key Property to check if set.
	 * @return bool Whether the property is set.
	public function __isset( $key ) {
		switch ( $key ) {
			case 'id':
			case 'blog_id':
			case 'site_id':
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Setter.
	 * Allows current multisite naming conventions while setting properties.
	 * @since 4.6.0
	 * @param string $key   Property to set.
	 * @param mixed  $value Value to assign to the property.
	public function __set( $key, $value ) {
		switch ( $key ) {
			case 'id':
				$this->id = (int) $value;
			case 'blog_id':
			case 'site_id':
				$this->blog_id = (string) $value;
				$this->$key = $value;

	 * Returns the main site ID for the network.
	 * Internal method used by the magic getter for the 'blog_id' and 'site_id'
	 * properties.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	 * @return int The ID of the main site.
	private function get_main_site_id() {
		 * Filters the main site ID.
		 * Returning a positive integer will effectively short-circuit the function.
		 * @since 4.9.0
		 * @param int|null   $main_site_id If a positive integer is returned, it is interpreted as the main site ID.
		 * @param WP_Network $network      The network object for which the main site was detected.
		$main_site_id = (int) apply_filters( 'pre_get_main_site_id', null, $this );
		if ( 0 < $main_site_id ) {
			return $main_site_id;

		if ( 0 < (int) $this->blog_id ) {
			return (int) $this->blog_id;

		if ( ( defined( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE' ) && defined( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE' ) && DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE === $this->domain && PATH_CURRENT_SITE === $this->path )
			|| ( defined( 'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE' ) && SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE == $this->id ) ) {
			if ( defined( 'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE' ) ) {
				$this->blog_id = (string) BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE;

				return (int) $this->blog_id;

			if ( defined( 'BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE' ) ) { // Deprecated.
				$this->blog_id = (string) BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE;

				return (int) $this->blog_id;

		$site = get_site();
		if ( $site->domain === $this->domain && $site->path === $this->path ) {
			$main_site_id = (int) $site->id;
		} else {
			$cache_key = 'network:' . $this->id . ':main_site';

			$main_site_id = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'site-options' );
			if ( false === $main_site_id ) {
				$_sites       = get_sites(
						'fields'     => 'ids',
						'number'     => 1,
						'domain'     => $this->domain,
						'path'       => $this->path,
						'network_id' => $this->id,
				$main_site_id = ! empty( $_sites ) ? array_shift( $_sites ) : 0;

				wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $main_site_id, 'site-options' );

		$this->blog_id = (string) $main_site_id;

		return (int) $this->blog_id;

	 * Set the site name assigned to the network if one has not been populated.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	private function _set_site_name() {
		if ( ! empty( $this->site_name ) ) {

		$default         = ucfirst( $this->domain );
		$this->site_name = get_network_option( $this->id, 'site_name', $default );

	 * Set the cookie domain based on the network domain if one has
	 * not been populated.
	 * @todo What if the domain of the network doesn't match the current site?
	 * @since 4.4.0
	private function _set_cookie_domain() {
		if ( ! empty( $this->cookie_domain ) ) {

		$this->cookie_domain = $this->domain;
		if ( 'www.' === substr( $this->cookie_domain, 0, 4 ) ) {
			$this->cookie_domain = substr( $this->cookie_domain, 4 );

	 * Retrieve the closest matching network for a domain and path.
	 * This will not necessarily return an exact match for a domain and path. Instead, it
	 * breaks the domain and path into pieces that are then used to match the closest
	 * possibility from a query.
	 * The intent of this method is to match a network during bootstrap for a
	 * requested site address.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @param string   $domain   Domain to check.
	 * @param string   $path     Path to check.
	 * @param int|null $segments Path segments to use. Defaults to null, or the full path.
	 * @return WP_Network|bool Network object if successful. False when no network is found.
	public static function get_by_path( $domain = '', $path = '', $segments = null ) {
		$domains = array( $domain );
		$pieces  = explode( '.', $domain );

		 * It's possible one domain to search is 'com', but it might as well
		 * be 'localhost' or some other locally mapped domain.
		while ( array_shift( $pieces ) ) {
			if ( ! empty( $pieces ) ) {
				$domains[] = implode( '.', $pieces );

		 * If we've gotten to this function during normal execution, there is
		 * more than one network installed. At this point, who knows how many
		 * we have. Attempt to optimize for the situation where networks are
		 * only domains, thus meaning paths never need to be considered.
		 * This is a very basic optimization; anything further could have
		 * drawbacks depending on the setup, so this is best done per-installation.
		$using_paths = true;
		if ( wp_using_ext_object_cache() ) {
			$using_paths = wp_cache_get( 'networks_have_paths', 'site-options' );
			if ( false === $using_paths ) {
				$using_paths = get_networks(
						'number'       => 1,
						'count'        => true,
						'path__not_in' => '/',
				wp_cache_add( 'networks_have_paths', $using_paths, 'site-options' );

		$paths = array();
		if ( $using_paths ) {
			$path_segments = array_filter( explode( '/', trim( $path, '/' ) ) );

			 * Filters the number of path segments to consider when searching for a site.
			 * @since 3.9.0
			 * @param int|null $segments The number of path segments to consider. WordPress by default looks at
			 *                           one path segment. The function default of null only makes sense when you
			 *                           know the requested path should match a network.
			 * @param string   $domain   The requested domain.
			 * @param string   $path     The requested path, in full.
			$segments = apply_filters( 'network_by_path_segments_count', $segments, $domain, $path );

			if ( ( null !== $segments ) && count( $path_segments ) > $segments ) {
				$path_segments = array_slice( $path_segments, 0, $segments );

			while ( count( $path_segments ) ) {
				$paths[] = '/' . implode( '/', $path_segments ) . '/';
				array_pop( $path_segments );

			$paths[] = '/';

		 * Determine a network by its domain and path.
		 * This allows one to short-circuit the default logic, perhaps by
		 * replacing it with a routine that is more optimal for your setup.
		 * Return null to avoid the short-circuit. Return false if no network
		 * can be found at the requested domain and path. Otherwise, return
		 * an object from wp_get_network().
		 * @since 3.9.0
		 * @param null|bool|WP_Network $network  Network value to return by path. Default null
		 *                                       to continue retrieving the network.
		 * @param string               $domain   The requested domain.
		 * @param string               $path     The requested path, in full.
		 * @param int|null             $segments The suggested number of paths to consult.
		 *                                       Default null, meaning the entire path was to be consulted.
		 * @param string[]             $paths    Array of paths to search for, based on `$path` and `$segments`.
		$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_get_network_by_path', null, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths );
		if ( null !== $pre ) {
			return $pre;

		if ( ! $using_paths ) {
			$networks = get_networks(
					'number'     => 1,
					'orderby'    => array(
						'domain_length' => 'DESC',
					'domain__in' => $domains,

			if ( ! empty( $networks ) ) {
				return array_shift( $networks );

			return false;

		$networks = get_networks(
				'orderby'    => array(
					'domain_length' => 'DESC',
					'path_length'   => 'DESC',
				'domain__in' => $domains,
				'path__in'   => $paths,

		 * Domains are sorted by length of domain, then by length of path.
		 * The domain must match for the path to be considered. Otherwise,
		 * a network with the path of / will suffice.
		$found = false;
		foreach ( $networks as $network ) {
			if ( ( $network->domain === $domain ) || ( "www.{$network->domain}" === $domain ) ) {
				if ( in_array( $network->path, $paths, true ) ) {
					$found = true;
			if ( '/' === $network->path ) {
				$found = true;

		if ( true === $found ) {
			return $network;

		return false;

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  • 09 x 10 - $149 Per Month
  • 10 X 10 - $159 Per Month
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  • 10 X 20 - $270 Per Month
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Cases also available

Visit us at The Foundry and speak with a member of our team to discuss the options available to you. If a space is available you can move in straight away! If there is not a space available right away, you can opt to be placed on our vendor waiting list or look at an alternative option such as one of our bespoke display cases. 

No problem! We encourage prospective vendors to move in and start selling as soon as possible. Pro rated booth rent for the remaining period until the first of the following month will be due at contract signing.

Yes. We have a standard form contract which outlines the terms of your rental agreement.

We charge a commission of 10% on all sales.

No! Here at The Foundry we believe that you should discover the best selling environment for you. We have a six month initial term. Following this, we require just a thirty day written notice if you wish to change or terminate your rental agreement. 

Rent is paid in advance starting on the first day of every month. For example: The rent due for August is due on August first.

For the convenience of all our vendors, we automatically process your rent payment from your previous month sales. If you do not have sufficient sales to cover the rent due we will notify you that payment is required. We recommend that all vendors take advantage of our vendor sales tracking system, QuailHQ for $5.00 per month.  

We work in partnership with QuailHQ to provide online access to sales data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. QuailHQ is available online and as an app for ios and android.

We recommend that all vendors take advantage of our vendor sales tracking system, QuailHQ for $5.00 per month.  

Yes! We operate Social Media accounts on various platforms. In addition to our renowned service, we also regularly feature select merchandise to our social media platforms to increase awareness and bolster vendor sales. Make sure to include interesting an unique merchandise in your booth to be in with a chance to be featured on our social media!

We are open daily from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM for you to move in and start selling! From all of us at The Foundry, we loom forward to working with you and can’t wait for you to get started!